Conventional Bakery
Pasteurized Sunflower Conventional Bakery
1. Product description and usage
Peeled organic sunflower seeds, „Bakery“ produced from hulled, sunflower oilseeds and intended as an ingredient in the food industry.
2. Quality indicators and norms
Organoleptic characteristic | |
Appearance | Oval seeds with well-preserved integrity |
Color | Pale gray, beige, homogeneous color |
Taste and odor | Typical taste of sunflower kernel, without any rancidity |
Physical-chemical characteristics | |
Moisture | max. 7 % |
Broken kernels (1/2 or more) | max. 8 % |
Damaged kernels by insects | max. 1 % |
Partially peeled kernels (25% or more husked) | max. 0,5 % |
Brown kernels | absent |
Yellow kernels | max. 1% |
Sclerotia | absent |
Insects infestation | absent |
Impurities | max. 0,05 % |
Purity | min. 99,95% |
Count | max. 450 ± 50 pcs/ounce |
Contaminants | |
Pesticides1) | according to Regulation №396/2005 |
Allergens | absent |
Genetically modified organisms | absent |
Aflatoxin B12) | max. 2,0 µg/kg |
Aflatoxins (B1+B2+G1+G2)2) | max. 4,0 µg/kg |
Cadmium2) | max. 0,5 mg/kg |
Cooper1) | max. 40,0 mg/kg |
Mercury1) | max. 0,02 mg/kg |
Arsenic3) | max. 0,3 mg/kg |
Lead3) | max. 1,0 mg/kg |
Microbiology | |
Salmonella in 125 g. | absent |
Escherichia coli | max. 10 cfu/g |
Yeast | max. 1×103 cfu/g |
Molds | max. 1×103 cfu/g |
Coliforms | max. 1×103 cfu/g |
Listeria in 25 g. | absent |
Total Plate count | max. 1×106 cfu/g |
Enterobacteriaceae | max. 1×103 cfu/g |
1) according Regulation №396/2005; 2) according Regulation №1881/2006; ; 3)according ТР ТС 015/2011 №874 |
3. Packaging
For packaging is use packaging materials which are authorized for contact with foodstuffs and which
meet all the requirements of Regulation № 10/2011 and Regulation 1935/2004.
The kernels can be packed in the following packings:
- in a white bag with three layers of paper of 12.5 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper of 15 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper of 20 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper + polyethylene of 20 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper of 22.68 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper of 25 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper + polyethylene of 22.68 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper + polyethylene of 25 kg;
- in Big – Bag / Q-BAG bags of 650 kg, 750 kg, 800 kg, 900 kg, 1000 kg, 1200 kg;
- in a white bag with three layers of paper + stamp “B-NORD” of 22.68
Other different package size options are possible, depending on the customer’s choice. The final product can be palletized on:
- H1 / EURO pallets 80/120;
- UK / US / industrial grill pallets 100/120.
Before arranging the bags with peeled sunflower, a backing cardboard or moisture-proof paper is placed on the pallet. After the last row, cardboard is also placed, after which each pallet is foiled with stretch foil, labels are placed and additionally reinforced with strapping tape.
4. Labeling
Each packaging has a label with lot number, provided by the client, in accordance with the Regulation
(EU) № 1169/2011.
5. Storage and transportation
Storage is carried out at a room temperature max. 25 ̊C, without the passage of direct sunlight and normal humidity max. 70%.
The transport is carried out with vehicles specially designed for the transport of food products.
Storage and transport comply with the requirements of Regulation № 852/2004.
6. Expiry date
The expiry date is 12 months from the production date.
7. Certification
- Kosher
- Allergen free confirmation
- Food additive free confirmation
- GMO and GMO derivatives free confirmation